
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms on Steam

評分 7/10 (14,305) Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is a strategy management game that unites iconic Champions from D&D TRPG campaigns, video games, novels, actual plays, ...

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

評分 7/10 (14,287) Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is a Dungeons & Dragons strategy management game uniting Champions from throughout the D&D multiverse into a grand ...

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is a Dungeons & Dragons strategy management game uniting Champions from throughout the D&D multiverse into a grand ...


評分7/10(14,305)IdleChampionsoftheForgottenRealmsisastrategymanagementgamethatunitesiconicChampionsfromD&DTRPGcampaigns,videogames,novels,actualplays, ...,評分7/10(14,287)IdleChampionsoftheForgottenRealmsisaDungeons&DragonsstrategymanagementgameunitingChampionsfromthroughouttheD&Dmultiverseintoagrand ...,IdleChampionsoftheForgottenRealmsisaDungeons&Dragonsstrategymanagementgame...